Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hit Refresh Review

“Consistency is better than perfection.”

“Empathy is what I practice daily; understanding the other person’s pain areas, difficulties solves many of my own problems in understanding his or her behavior/intent.”

“When somebody finds fault in what I do, I consider it a gift of insight that I wouldn’t otherwise have. Frankly, I am wired that way.”

“Team work; working with each other is the greatest skill you can teach your family and friends. Because together, we achieve more.”

“I don’t want to hear that someone is the smartest person in the room. I want to hear them take their intelligence and use it to develop deep shared understanding within teams and define a course of action.”

“To be a leader and partner at MS, you have to stop whining. You can’t say the coffee around here is bad, or there aren’t enough good people, or I didn’t get the bonus. Your job as a leader is to find rose petals in a field of shit!”

“Leaders take internal and external noise and synthesize a message from it, recognizing the true signal within a lot of noise.”

Satya Nadella’s book is a minefield of wisdom quotes that only a seasoned, experienced business leader can share with his readers. He defines two mindsets which can be used to categorize performance at the workplace:

Fixed Mindset: Decisions that reinforce the tendency to continue doing what we’ve always done.

Growth Mindset: Decisions that force us to think out of the box, to be creative in problem-solving and find solutions to problems without cribbing about it. It encompasses individual empowerment and team work – what one person or one team can do against the odds.

Two examples of a Fixed Mindset were shared:

1    An employee asking him in a Q&A session, “Why can’t I print a document from my mobile phone?” Satya politely told him, ‘Make it happen. You have full authority.”

2    On Yammer, employees were complaining that people were leaving half-used milk cartons in the office refrigerator. Apparently, people would open a fresh eight-ounce container of milk, pour some in their coffee or tea, and then leave it out on the counter thinking others would finish it. But no one wants to use a personal milk container opened by somebody else that is beginning to sour.

Satya used one of his video messages to employees to have a good laugh at it, showcasing it as a humorous example of a fixed mindset.

He has spoken at length about the future of technology that will facilitate Artificial Intelligence, Cloud computing and Quantum computing.

He has taken references from Hollywood movies that depict technology in a light-hearted manner. In the movie, Creed, (the latest of Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky movie series) the boxing champ jots down on a piece of paper a workout regimen for his protégé, who quickly snaps a photo of it on his smartphone. As the kid jogs away, Rocky yells, “Don’t you want the paper?”

“I got it right here, it’s already up in the cloud,” the kid replies.

The aging Rocky looks skyward. “What cloud? What cloud?” Rocky may not know about the cloud but millions today rely on it.

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